Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Radio KNit

Well I got bored of Radio 4 Ill leave that to the more pseudo intellectualof you and I decided to listen to late night love on 2 Ten FM last night.Its far better there was a lady describing how she got married thenseparated and now want s her husband back accompanied by the patronisingundertones of the DJThis morning it was the morning crew where they were discussing the highlycontigious topic of should bosses make you wear a tie in the office in thisblazing heat this followed tragic news of a woman who had jumped onto therails at Southall accompanied by her 5 year old child and 23 month old babyall killedWhat does one do go back to Radio 4 and be bored rigid stick with 2 Ten andpretend to be a local estate agent on his way to work or go for Radio 2 andjust put up with WoganI dont want to spend every morning listening to CD's but a good radiostation where they discuss low cut jeans or waxing would be welcomeWe could start our own station Radio Knit - coming to you from the Shiresfrom IOW to Weybridge and Uxbridge to Leyton its Radio Knit remember astitch in time saves nine with Dj's Auntie Carla and DJ Overstitch now forthe first topic of the day does waxing your bits itch !


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