Wednesday, May 14, 2008

African Magic

My mother has a new friend Freddy the Ghanian. Hes a bit of a whizz kidwith a PC and has been round the house and reformatted her PC. It now runstwice as fast He now has access to all her banking details , has deleted all of Fionasdating website info(which Im sure was slowing things down) and has beenround the house for a cilli con carne meal TWICE More worringly she has changed her email name to PAMALA is this an attemptto sound more african to fit in with Freddy. Im just a bit concerned that loud clothing and an african headscarf are onthe cards to follow. This happened to a friend of my grandmas Loretta shemarried an Egyptian in 1978 and ended up going a bit bonkers she onceinvited us round her bungalow for tea an attempted to do the foxtrot withmy father singing 'Im living on the edge of insobriety and life is one bigjoke' Its a bit like those big fat aunts you had as a kid who used lavendar swift movement by them and you were covered in white dust looked likeyoud been sniffing coke.


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