Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am becoming a bit more involved in the Church recently. I attended thechurch fete and was in charge of the Tombola stand handing out bottles ofcheap wine to the lucky winners However, I decided to have a butchers at some of Mat Mark Luke and John. Idlike to big up John but the others a re bit namby pamby for my liking Whose your favourite or are you old skool The other thing ids I get confused one minute we are in Jersualem the nextPaul is chatting to the Romans - where in Rome? Jerusalem? John told a story about Lazurus coming out of a cave after he had died allbound in cloths and looking puzzled Are these real true stories of the time like Britney Spears falling out ofa car flashing her undies in todays world or are they fables told by verycontrolling folk whose desire was to bring folk together in unity Truth is it dont matter becuase the church brings so much joy to peopleslives and its doesnt matter if the stories are a load of old rubbish theyhave moral undertones which lead people to live better lives. Ultimatley weall die in the end anyway - so keep singing.

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