Dorothy L Sayers once quoted that 'Time and trouble will tame an advancedyoung woman but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthlyforce' which brings me nicely onto the update of the Baltic Cruise Well the first issue seemed to be the couple she went with . Not contentwith their own food they kept transferring to each others plate It put my mother off her food. The woman she went with was not intodressing up in the evenings which is part of the holiday forget where thecruise is going if your not in the latest Karen Millen frock forget it.This woman wore laddered tights and A line Kilts down to dinner everynight Her husband (well I say her husband I mean her boyfriend of 20 yearsyounger ) carved his bread with a knife not good in my mothers book Well it all ended in a huge row. They left my mother on her own with an oldqueen who worked the Martini Bar doing Dusty Springfield covers who onceclaimed he was employed to kill off Colin in Eastenders for 3 epsiodes in1985) most nights By week 2 the younger husband had ran off with one of the kitchen porters .My mother ended up having to catch a cab back from Harwich to Wokinghamafter the cruise as by this stage she wasnt talking to the couple she hadgone with She vows that she will neevr go with this dreadful woman again. they havespoken since and the woman has separated from her husband and has sdpentthe last few days in bed after catching food posioning from a dodgyMcdonalds burger on the way back from the ferry Next time my mothers off on a Group tour.
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