A chap who I sit next too had a Vascetomy yesterday. Its gone wrong and hephoned to say his balls were the size of melons and red. He has sufferedinternal bleeding and now needs to have it drained and will be off workuntil he can get his trousers back on again This might be useful in some professions but not when your sitting at adesk alll day I have never known this to be a successful operation. Another chap had itdone here and was limping like Old father Tom down the corridor. I dontthink its wise to start tampering with this area. After all you dont call aplumber unless you have a leeking pipe do you? I think its a way of controlling men actually. Several people I know havehad the snip and their marriage has fallen apart a few months later. Iwould be more concerned about becoming more feminine and start dresssing inwomens clothes and become interested in poetry than anything else Worth assessing the situation fully before you make that committement.
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