I was out lunchtime with some the Fianaial Director running and he was
> telling me how he is into Hashing. I initially thought that he liked a toke
> on the old wacky backy but found out that its a club in the UK who describe
> themselves as The Drinking Club with a Running problem. The idea is to gain
> a thirst by running cross country to the nearest boozer and getting
> sloshed
> The template for a hash run is loosely based on hare hunting. One or more
> hashers (the 'hares') lay out a running trail, that the rest of the club
> (pack or 'hounds') follows. The trail may include false trails (check-backs
> or CB), short cuts (or splits), breaks, and checks (a marking on the trail
> that requires the pack to search the area to discover the correct direction
> of the trail. These features are designed to keep the pack together
> regardless of fitness levels or running speed.
> This sounds fantatstic and far better than just ploding the streets on your
> lonsesome.
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