Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Meat is murder

We were travelling back from a festival headlined by Morrissey on theweekend who was excellent when a woman sat next to me on the train andthings got quite odd She was one of those people who feel the need to touch you everytime theyspeak . She was quite literally obsessed with Morrissey she was complianingabout his shoes preferring him in a pair of grey trousers had that he wearsnormally without pants. How does she know this ? it was quite disturbing inthe short train journey I learnt that she was a dinner lady her husband hada six pack and was in the police force despite that fact that she had aninterest in selling dodgy videosShe reminded me of that character off Catherine Tate 'You are not going tobelieve what happened to me .......................' Frankly I thought she was up for a bit of train you know what just imagineit getting to her stop and her husband catches you . Mind you policemantheres a thought.


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