Wednesday, August 31, 2005


So this morning Radio 4 was discussing Hogarth's painitng style and Iwondered whether this was the same bloke who name is used on a famousroundabout in ChiswickLast night there was a discussion on Job Centres in poor areas of thecountryThe only problem with listening to this station is Im missing the chance towin a holiday for two in Tenerife on Star FMNigel Humphreys in the morning has such a miserable voice anbd they alwayshand over to some woman with a very clipped accent who reports on ladysmatters in the Wiral or to advertise a program on embroideryI can just imagine women/men who dont need to work lounging around all daydrinking filter coffee smoking flat packed St.Morittz cigarettes and havingcoffee mornings. the only stress they have is when the vicar turns up andthey have run out of clean doilies for their tea cakesAS from next week Im going back to my Jethro Tull CD's.


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